Thursday, March 31, 2011

China opened the Korean War Book of life and death of missing U.S. troops

 U.S. Department of Defense Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Ray (left) and  Rear Admiral (right) visited the Chinese People's Liberation Army Archives Archives Archives of experts to find volunteer situation.
United States since last February signed up on the whereabouts of missing persons to find the U.S. military memorandum of understanding, at present China has 59 years of investigation and verification of the crash in Guangdong, a U.S. bomber on the whereabouts of the remains of U.S. military
overseas on behalf of all U.S. combat missing persons. saucer of a lemon on behalf of their suffering in a foreign country, a pinch of salt tears on behalf of their loved ones; cup is empty, because they can not toast with us together; chair is empty because They are still missing. Now, let us drink, salute them. those of the table, The ceremony was not isolated, it is backed by the U.S. with an annual cost of $ 15,000,000 or more, across all branches of the military, there are tens of thousands of workers search for missing U.S. prisoners of war and the support system.
China's military archives but without the work of experts, many American families across the Pacific may take more time to wait for the Korean War, the fate of missing loved ones. How many souls drift
U.S. Korean War, Vietnam War, World War II, the remains of missing soldiers search for missing persons has always been the focus of the U.S. military, according to U.S. prisoners of war and missing persons in the joint battle command (JPAC) of the Statistics data, the U.S. on the Korean Peninsula and the border with more than 8,000 still missing, and the number of ranking first in the wars.
domestic pressure from the United States makes war the U.S. government wanted to get past opponents may hold for this China's military in a highly classified U.S. military war dead to find the file information, not only unprecedented in the hundreds of thousands of volunteers file mountains of clues to look for more like a needle in a haystack of foreigners.
1996, when he was President Jiang Zemin and U.S. President Bill Clinton met at the APEC meeting in Manila, the two sides talked about the first time the remains of U.S. military aircraft during World War II and the situation remains of U.S. pilots. 3 years later, the U.S. Department of Defense POW and Missing Persons Affairs Office of the combatants (DPMO) and the Chinese Foreign Ministry on matters relating to specific contacts, the Foreign Ministry suggested U.S. military contact with China directly.
2005, the then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld during the visit, ask the PLA can search for the whereabouts of one of his former comrades.
Rumsfeld said this name is a fellow Navy pilot named James Dean. August 22, 1956 night, Dean driving a P4M-1Q electronic surveillance invasion of China's airspace, the PLA Air Force fighters were called out to intercept MiG -17. After more than three minutes of air entanglement, P4M-1Q was shot down and crashed my machine Qushan southeast of the sea in Zhejiang. The East China Sea Fleet patrol search, Navy salvage some U.S. aircraft from the wreckage and the remains of two bodies and the transfer of the United States, and the United States only from the other two bodies were recovered, while Dean has been missing.
Dean is studying at Cornell University Rumsfeld met old friends together after graduating from the Naval Air Station, Florida, received flight training. Rumsfeld has said that the Dean was his best friend. P4M-1Q reconnaissance plane was shot down, the U.S. Navy on the Dean's widow Terri Schiavo, said Dean is mostly dead. But Schiavo's husband did not believe that 24-year-old killed, Rumsfeld has also been concerned about the whereabouts of Dean, however, access to a lot of literature through the Dean can not find a clue.
2006 年 7 months, the Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Guo During the visit, the Chinese Air Force report on the evidence presented to Dean did not survive the Lagrangian. The copy of the report was fighting from the People's Liberation Army in the vast archives of information in the
this special gift is not only completely solved the mystery of missing Dean, also helped Rumsfeld completely removed up to 50 years of emotional burden, but also promote a lot of American people of China and the Chinese army trust.
2008 年 2 29, in Shanghai, China and the U.S. Secretary of Defense signed a memorandum of cooperation to implement the military archives cooperation in text form, find the whereabouts of missing persons in the U.S. before and after the Korean War, the work started. April, the PLA and U.S. Department of Defense Archives Office of prisoners of war and missing persons signed a Memorandum of Understanding to carry out concrete cooperation.
memorandum explicitly states that witnesses and so on, and then received information to the United States.
Under the agreement, the Chinese side informed the U.S. side will be files every six months the progress of the search, within six months if there are new discoveries, the U.S. Embassy officials could call.
massive archives for clues
According to Sino-US military archives cooperation to carry out the consensus reached by the PLA archives since 2006 over half a century began on the dusty organize volunteers to conduct a comprehensive identification of the file, the focus search U.S. troops in the war the fate of missing persons.
This is not just a military cooperation, but also across the ocean to appease many bereaved families of the humanitarian action. Liu Yi four senior experts such as the right to assume the voluminous but need to do the work of great intelligence and energy. Identification of the file which is responsible for screening
experts Tu hi Qing told the PLA Archives of only hundreds of thousands of volunteers were on file, the time span from 1950 to 1958. Limited due to physical conditions at that time, many records on paper files often dip into the group could not identify.
symbol instead of that boxes of historical records on the heap in the experts to work desk, table, is an open file box, yellowed records of various kinds on the manuscript writing, there are handwritten documents, mimeo, there are print .
Archives has a collection of People's Liberation Army during the Korean War Chinese People's Volunteers and the Central Military Commission, General Staff, the Army Field Army, more than 150 million pieces of fonds file. After a preliminary survey found that more than 100 missing persons cases involving the U.S. military.
long investigation to verify Road
present, the PLA file management completed a one-tenth of an existing file to retrieve the work provided to the U.S., including 4 copies of the first results, including the military archives. 4 were involved in the files of missing persons in the United States, is now the most promising events of the wreckage left behind 59 years ago in the crash of a U.S. bombing of Guangdong
1950 年 11 months, a U.S. B-29 bomber invasion Chao in Guangdong in southern China from west to east over the flight. After Guangdong Raoping body over the fire suddenly, the plane tried throwing flares landing. Results due to the huge body, rolling hills, the plane crashed and exploded on the hills. According to military archives records, the aircraft after the plane crashed, killing all 15 people. There are four sets of remains of which are more complete, by the local villagers buried, identified the Americans. PLA archives
file information in accordance with holdings in June 2008 sent a work team, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, rushed Raoping, Chao counties, investigate and verify the B-29 crashed, and whereabouts of the remains of death. In the local military and government assistance, investigators visited 19 insiders and witnesses, after a survey the wreckage and death of people buried in scattered locations, the basic verification of the collection file shows the clues.
Raoping floating in the village of Bin-town community, investigators interviewed witnesses to the event tree Xu Yue elderly. Xu Yue tree recalled: Chaoan people buried. number of events insiders. Lin Zhengping also led investigators to the field to survey the remains of the burial site. According to Lin Zhengping's identification, the coordination of local PLA garrison and archives a number of government departments to implement the preliminary investigation.
investigators will most likely be buried U.S. military remains largely determine the location of water called the Village near the range of about 100 square meters. Site survey work in archives kept by the Director of People's Liberation Army Song Chuanfu told the Pia Sydney and hundreds of families still trace the whereabouts of their loved ones on the Chinese military archivist placed the last glimmer of hope.
Pia Sydney wrote in the letter: , is also a humanitarian cause. We value the efforts of your government, we still hope this is an important source. experience things, essential items are lost people extremely anxious, not to mention lost, loved ones do? Chinese People's Volunteers file, this time he had completed nearly fifty thousand pieces. Proliferation in cancer cells, chemotherapy had to be the case, the right to insist on Liu Yi completed more than 5,000 pieces of the file access, the current is less than 9000 files without his identification.
April of this year, when the combined search Ren Meijun Pacific Command prisoners of war and missing persons to see  Rear Admiral Liu Yi has been very weak right after the tears: a hero. October 27, the U.S. State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, said at a regular news conference: The Chinese government in solving missing persons to provide U.S. assistance.

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