Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Looked blankly at the crossroads of the body of each strange way to go in front of a dim
do not know which method the junction go calm the hearts of empty ground
Fragile material like grass in the rain in the bar smashed
frustrated all broken the illusion left a disappointed man
how frustrated the way to not finish It
tenor haze sea level on the beginning of grief for no reason to how a touch of Chennai
unhappy life with a wry smile There are too many complaints do not mind the helplessness and fear
bitter disappointments of life with a wry smile too much of Chennai Law
pain away shadows of the night was dark, can not find a quick
in the Whether the existence of an excuse for a smile
wind do not go inside the rain washed away the sorrow
your scars all the way when I look back to see the footprints left

plum blossom in that moment

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