Wednesday, April 6, 2011

World ah! world! powerless us

 This is a different world .

This is a complex world, you will never understand in this world many things happened .

This is a simple world, every creature has only one purpose , that is, survive, and no other .

the world may have a God , he is always hiding in the garden of his sleep . Miracle will not happen. A slip is the eternal hate, idea away million marrow .
day, down in a pool of blood where people really among themselves , when the red skeleton marching feet to climb , when the persistent belief spurned by their peers , when the truth of the winner 's name engraved ... ...
perhaps, people will understand. Honesty is the best excuse for stupidity , upright is the perfect synonym for pedantic ; justice are the winner of the hymn , the evil is the failure moan .
this world, only the strong ! To take charge of their destiny! To defeat evil, you have to be more evil than it is to get the truth you must first be ruthless! Through layers of fog , clear inner silk thread , and perhaps one day , you can find its own direction ... ...

no light in this world , only with dark , light makes sense
the world not only been wrong, on the meaningful
there is no God in this world , only with people, God makes sense.

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